You guys should check the short tutorial I wrote about this at:

First I'd check that you are correctly including the jQuery dimensions-plugin, as Ext required that. jquery-plugins.js should take care of that, but the 1.0 release, for some reason, has that file missing. So go check if that is even there in the first place.


Remy Sharp wrote:
HI Eli,

I spotted this too - and had a play with Ext and jQuery - though I
couldn't really see how the two were supposed to be linked together.

I did get the same error as you, but it was because I hadn't set up
the underlying HTML properly, i.e. I was telling my page to target
'yui-north' instead of the ID that was on my HTML.

If you can post a URL to the version you're working on it might be
easier to debug.

In the mean time, I'll knock up an example using the layout manager
and the jQuery library and do a follow up post.

On Apr 20, 12:25 am, Eli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey guys,
Just noticed a couple of days ago that ext now has a new 'extjs' for
and I wanted to test it out, but for some reason I can't get it to

I've tried to make my own page like the layout.js example
(, and I get
the following error in the firebug console: "el has no
Line 127"

my script load the next file:
in the same order as the list above.

Any ideas why my script failing?

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