Very cool - I can finally replace xin :)  One thing I had to hack into
that code was the ability to trigger an event on the input field
programatically after selecting the date.  Can you provide a
triggerEvent("keyup|focus|change") parameter that will trigger the
specified event in the attached input element when the date picker
changes its value?

On Apr 24, 2:54 am, "Kelvin Luck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to announce the beta release of v2 of my datePicker plugin for 
> jQuery. This release is a complete rewrite which makes the date picker 
> considerably more powerful and flexible than it previously was. Check out the 
> temporary project page:
> Note, this is currently in beta and may be a little rough around the edges 
> but I'd love to get some feedback. I've tested in FF2, IE6 and Opera 9 but it 
> would be good to know if it works in other browsers (particulaly Safari). 
> Plus any other feedback on extra stuff you'd like adding or bugs you discover,
> Cheers,
> Kelvin :)

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