I have not attempted to make any of Ariel's changes.  Scott, I would
say that "yes" that would be the goal.  The only thing I haven't done
for that is to include the jQuery src file on the subsequent pages.
That would be my intent to check if jQuery isn't there, to load it.

Meanwhile, I have these demos complete: Progressive Form, Panel
Collapse, Auto Complete.  They currently only work in FF since I have
no IE fix yet.

Please be aware that our server will be down tonight and much of
tomorrow as power is getting pulled into our new server room.  They
have to shut off the power until then.  Unfortunately, the only
circuit they have to shut down is the one controlling our current
server room :-(

I've had some difficulties with the interface plugin trying to do the
drop and drop and the list reorder pages.  I'll try to get to those
next week.  The dynamic update I'll do early Monday.

Please if you have some suggestions for demos, I'd love to hear it.

On Apr 27, 8:31 am, Shelane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was only introduced to jQuery at a Lasso Summit the beginning of
> March and I have already been able to do so much with it.  I have been
> able to solve some long standing problems I had with user interface
> elements requiring greater javascript and ajax manipulation that my
> skills had previously limited.
> So, I am now preparing to do a presentation of jQuery at our
> developers IT Forum onsite.  The presentation date hasn't been set
> yet.  I may be presenting to my internal group of about 10 developers
> before I take the presentation to our department.
> So along with the presentation, I'm doing a "concept" examples pack
> just to show working examples of what jQuery can do that our
> developers will be able to download.  The ideas I have are to do a
> progressive form with auto-populating select options, drag and drop,
> dynamic update of content from of multiple types, panel collapsing,
> and list reordering.  I am also going to do an autocomplete example
> with script.aculo.us (that so many of us here currently use) on a page
> with jQuery to show the workability of jQuery with other libraries.
> So far I only have one example complete although there are more to
> come.http://education.llnl.gov/jquery/ajax.html
> This works great in FF.  Comes to a dead halt currently in IE because
> I have $(document).ready events that need to occur on the ajax loaded
> page (progressive form is the example), but IE won't execute them.  I
> have posed the question on the list as far as how to work around this
> problem, but I haven't heard anything.  Any help on that issue will be
> great because we have to support IE here too (of course).
> Also, if anyone has other ideas for examples, I'd be glad to add to
> this list.  And I do give credit where credit is due! :-)

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