
I want to have an application that works both with and without ajax.
Eg: without ajax, I get /contentWithMenu and with ajax I .load /
contentonly into #content

  jQuery("[EMAIL PROTECTED]/]").bind("click",function(){
    jQuery("#main").load ("/xajax/"+this.pathname,{},function()
    return false;

I want to add that call to the history, so back and bookmarks work.

I'm looking at http://www.stilbuero.de/jquery/history/ and I don't
find a way to have separate urls for the normal link and for the ajax
one. I'm always tempted to blame the lack of documentation or feature
before having to admit that I'm blind, but feel free to fire ;)

What I would like to have is a method to call from the click event to
add an #hash on the history, and a callback that I can customise so I
can load whatever needed based on the hash.

Does it make sense ? Is there a doc on the history plugin I missed or
another plugin that I missed ?

On the other history solutions I found (outside of jquery), you needed
to install an empty html that would be used with a iframe.Is it the
same here ?

Thanks in advance,


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