
Ryan Doom
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-----Original Message-----
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of David Duymelinck
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 8:20 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: ASP.net and jQuery...Imperfect Together?

> I am starting up with two technologies...asp.net and jQuery.
> jQuery works great with old asp, but seems to be 'unwelcome' in
> asp.net. Anyone have direct experience marrying the two?
> --- Dave
I didn't have much trouble using them both on http://www.ictdag.be 
(Dutch) i used the jqModal and quicksearch plugin and my own code for 
exapmle on the pages

- http://www.ictdag.be/10/sessies.aspx : to seach on the page and to 
limit the sessionslist by clicking on the submenu

- http://www.ictdag.be/10/interesse.aspx : hiding form parts that aren't 
useful (under the title Kostprijs click on the text next to the down arrows)

- http://www.ictdag.be/10/admin.aspx : messages involving errors become 
visible as a popup

The only problem i encountered was in the admin part trying to validate 
before the data is send to the server. Non of the methods to stop the 
default behaviour of the button did work.

David Duymelinck

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