Andrew G. escribio':
Hello, everyone

I have a problem with not english characters. I've created with jquery
google-like search-suggest and it works perfect with englesh
characters. But if I want to search not englasi words, e.g. spanish,
search doesn't work correct.
You need the same char codification in your HTML and in your server, normally UTF-8 in
linux servers, and set your HTML with this codification:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

also, if you store your ajax data in one database you need to know what is the codification
for your database, so:

HTML ---> (ajax request in UTF-8) ---> PHP (UTF-8) --> MySQL (iso-8859-1) ??? <- problem

I normally have a simple solution for any codification problem, I encode the text with HTML simbols

ESPAN~A <==> ESPA&Ntilde;A

it works allways and I don't worry for the codification problems :)

Best Regards,
Jose' Francisco Rives Lirola <>

SeViR CW ยท Computer Design
Murcia - Spain

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