I don't know tablesorter, but here is another potential option - it's
not very configurable right now, but some interesting things are
coming soon.  I'm just trying to work out some performance issues in *
%#%$!%$ Internet Explorer.


On May 17, 7:33 am, Sarcastic Zombie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Good morning!
> I'm trying to use tablesorter on a dynamically generated table. Most
> of the columns sort fine. However, I'm having issues with the number
> columns.
> One of the columns is called "Account Number" and it's a series of
> integers. When sorted, I get this sort of effect:
> Acct #
> --------
> 809
> 808
> 8079
> 807
> 806
> Which seems to me like it's sorting the numbers as if they were
> strings and not integers.
> Another column is a series of floats representing owed balances on the
> accounts. Again, it seems to be sorting as if we're dealing with
> strings.
> Amount
> -----------
> -57.60
> -61.00
> -667.98
> -7.10
> -93.46
> 0.07
> 0.08
> 0.26
> 0.78
> I'm invoking the tablesorter as follows:
> <script type="text/javascript">
>         $(document).ready( function() {
>                 $('#openaccounts').tableSorter({
>                         stripingRowClass: ['', 'alt'],
>                         stripeRowsOnStartUp: true,
>                 });
>         });
> </script>
> Any tablesorting gurus out there that can help me figure out what I'm
> doing wrong?

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