Indeed, if I use it does work... but when I use inline
onclick binding - it isn't....
Here is the code (ok in FF, not ok in IE):
    //this way it does not work in IE
    function testClick(e) {
      if (e.clientX) {
      } else {
    < a href="#" onclick="testClick(event)">test</ a>
    <input type="button" onclick="$('a').click();"/>

Anyway Klaus, thank you very much!

On May 22, 9:28 am, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alex Objelean wrote:
> > This solution is good for Firefox, but does not work in IE.. :(
> > Other tips?
> This solution works perfectly fine for the Tabs plugin in all major
> browsers. So maybe something is wrong with your code...
> -- Klaus

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