SamCKayak wrote:
First:  this page validates.  I've gone as far as running the
"rendered code" through the WDG validator.

No errors.

No CSS errors either.

Renders fine in IE 6, 7.

Firefox, does a trick with the top of the, extending the
border-top of the table beyond the right end of the box element...

Here's a demo page.  Click the submit button to see the result table

I think the problem has something to do with the jQuery .show()


Hi Sam,

I'm no expert but I've seen this kind of problem before. Firefox fixes a few things in the HTML when it creates the DOM, so you have your code right, the problem is when you set up the effect i.e. when the document loads. You reference the table element where you need to reference a tbody element that firefox adds. It's easy to fix, just add <tbody> to enclose all the rows inside the tables and change your code to reflect it. It works in IE because that browser does very little to tidy HTML when it returns the DOM.

   Hope that fixes it,

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