Yeah, that's great stuff.

Not sure it makes a difference, but jQuery has a :radio pseudo-class, so instead of $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]') you could do $('input:radio')

Andy, you wrote:
We need to have more details on how to do things like this.

I've written a couple articles on DOM traversal here: part-1 part-2

but I'd be happy to write another one if there is something in particular you'd like to see. I'm still a little pressed for time at the moment, but we're getting close to finishing the book, so that will free me up to pay a little more attentionto my sadly neglected blog.


Karl Swedberg

On May 25, 2007, at 5:19 PM, Andy Matthews wrote:

Damn...that's fantastic. We need to have more details on how to do things like this. The code I might have come up with for that would have been like 5 or 6 lines long at LEAST!

From: [mailto:jquery- [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jake McGraw
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 4:03 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Getting column value for a selected table row?

Maybe, within click or change:

$("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").change(function(){
  $(this).parent().siblings("td:eq(3)"). /* do something */;

So you document should look like:

  <td><input type="radio" name="mybutton"/></td>
  <td><!-- This is your target --></td>

The chain order:

$(this)  --> the radio button
.parent() --> The td element wrapped around radio button
.siblings("td:eq(3)") --> All td element siblings, get the fourth

Haven't tested, hope it works for you.

- jake

On 5/25/07, Brad Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Given a table where the the first column of each row contains a radio

Is there some jQuery selector magic that would allow me to get the
value of the cell in the 4th column when the radio button is selected?

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