On Jun 5, 8:53 am, "Jonathan Sharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Christ,

Oh, and I am a great guy... but I don't walk on water, Jonathan...
lol! :o)

> I hope I can clear up some of the confusion and frustration. jdMenu binds &
> unbinds it's events on each show/hide which allows for easy updating of a
> dynamic menu. The documentation is lacking quite a bit so I appologize.
> I realized that this works best for sub-menus as opposed to a top level menu
> so what you'll need to do is call $(...).jdMenu() at the end of your ajax
> call after you've appended your MenuLists.
> Cheers,
> -Jonathan
> On 6/4/07, Chris Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > I'm in need of some help using jdMenu. I've got a nice menu up and
> > running using ver. 1.2.1, but it's static: meaning that I've hard
> > coded the un-ordered lists that make up the menu contents. What I need
> > now is a way for my app to build the menu on the fly depending on what
> > screen the user is currently viewing.
> > The app makes extensive use of ajax and so is only loaded one time at
> > the beginning. I've tried having an empty <ul> element that contains
> > the jdMenu class, like this:
> > <ul id="MainToolbar" class="jd_menu jd"></ul>
> > and then making an ajax call to the server which builds the rest of
> > the list elements and then does an empty().append(MenuLists); upon
> > returning, but that didn't work.
> > I've tried just building the what I need in JavaScript into some
> > variable that I then do an append() with, but that's not working
> > either.
> > Does anybody have any thoughts on this? Does anyone thing they can
> > help?
> > Thanks,
> > Chris

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