On 6/5/07, IGx89 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This doesn't seem to have made it into the v1.1.3a test release; any
chance of making the final?

It's there alright:

And here's the latest:

On Apr 17, 12:52 pm, "Brandon Aaron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Moving to addEventListener and attachEvent is on the todo list. When
> will it be done? Soon :)
> It will involve a lot of regression testing to make sure we don't
> cause any problems in the transition.
> --
> Brandon Aaron
> On 4/17/07, mdelmarter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi John and all,
> > I am using Ext with jQuery which is working perfectly together -
> > except in one area. There is an issue with the Calendar when moving
> > between months, it basically moves one month and then the onclick
> > event no longer works. This issue is documented on the Ext forums and
> > seems to be a problem with jQuery using legacy event handlers instead
> > of addEventListener / attachEvent.
> > I am wondering if there is any movement on this issue John? Is there
> > likely to be a resolution or should I forget about using the Ext
> > Calendar? Does anybody else have a fix that can be used here?
> > To read about the issues on the Ext forums:
> >http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4683
> >http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3245&page=2
> > To see an example of the issue I have a calendar buried in a blog
> > entry on my site - open the sample application by clicking on the
> > screenshot and then click on the dropdown menu button. You will see
> > that moving between months stops working after the first click. The
> > sample app was built with Ext 1.0 Beta 2, but nothing has changed
> > since then:
> > An update on this topic would be appreciated :)
> > Regards,
> > Matthew- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

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