Using $("td.Name") should also improve the scripts performance as
well. When you use $(".Name") it will go through all tags on the page.
If the class name is on other tags as well, you could always add
another selector (e.g. $("td.Name, li.Name").

On Jun 11, 3:02 am, "Dan G. Switzer, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Thank you.
> >Is it possible to interrupt the script each time the user enter a new
> >letter
> >in the search box ?
> What I'd recommend doing is building in a setTimeout() delay that would only
> fire off the event if the user pauses typing--that way you're not trying to
> fire it off for every keystroke.
> As for stop the each(), if you do a return true/false inside the callback
> function, it should stop execution of the loop.
> This means you can add a condition to the loop based on a global variable to
> determine if you should stop the loop. So, something like the following
> would work:
> $(".Name").each(
>         function (){
>                 // provided lastTbxValue is a global value that's updated
> each
>                 // time the value changes, this should stop the loop
>                 if( tbxValue != lastTbxValue ) return false;
>                 // create a pointer to the current table cell
>                 var oCell = $(this);
>                 // hide the parent
>                 oCell.parent().[oCell.text().indexOf(tbxValue) > -1 ? "show"
> : "hide"]();
>         }
> );
> -Dan

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