Ooh. So, this would let jQuery get the width of an image, even if that image
doesn't have an /explicit/ width attribute set?
Sorry if I'm being dense, but I wasn't quite following the question above,
and this would solve a problem I'm having with my figures plugin.

On 6/14/07, Erik Beeson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There is a window.load event, and that's what you want to use:

So you want:

$(window).load(function() {
  // My stuff to do once all images are loaded...


On 6/14/07, GianCarlo Mingati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> the question may not be clear but what i would like to know is how do
> you get the width of an image AFTER the image has fully downloaded.
> I use this chunk of code: var pictWidth = this.find("img").width();
> where "this" is the jQuery context.
> If tested locally (images loads immediately) it works and i have the
> image WIDTH in pixel, but if i search for anew image (not in cache eg:
> on a web server)  the script is executed when the DOM is ready, It's
> to soon, how do i say to jquery "get the width of image#myimage after
> image#myimage ha fully downloaded?
> For what i understand jQuery only have a DOM iS Ready function.
> http://demos.mootools.net/DomReadyVS.Load
> I would need a window.load function.
> in fact on that page, the gallery won't work correctly if you don't
> REFRESH the page. When reloaded the images are displayed on the fly
> and the trick of getting the width of the images works.

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