Tom Holder wrote:
Hi All,

I have some xhtml in my page with images that have certain events. A
click and a mouseover.

When a user uploads another image, it replaces the current ones using

My question is, how can I rebind whatever events where previously on
the images back on the new content?

I want to do something like (very basic example):

var clickFunction = $("img").click(function(){
        return false;

Replace image with AJAX.


This doesn't seem to work though. The reason why I can't just rebind
the previous code is I don't actually know what the events will be as
they change according to other conditions.

I hope I've explained this ok.

What I'm doing at the moment in this situation is putting all my event bindings in a function (or functions) which i then reference in the ajax callback parameter, so:

function clickFunction() { $("img").click(function(){
        return false;

        ... stuff ...
}, clickFunction);

Replace image with AJAX and reapply events.

There's a page in the docs that has a bit more detail:

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