it won't work!

getJSON uses ajax... ajax can't go to another site.

On 6/20/07, LVCHEN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am doing some hack for blogger. Blogger API has offered JSON feed
for user to load recent posts. This allows you to query a blog's
public feed and get the resulting entries returned as JSON objects.
The way to use the new JSON feed is creating a script element whose
src value is

where blogname is the blog you want to retrieve, and myFunc is the
name of your callback function that is passed the JSON object.

Now I am confused with this json-in-script and json

A simple example shows the usage
function a_comprc(a,b)
  order= Date.parse(a.published.$t.replace(/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-
(\d{2})T([0-9:]*)([.0-9]*)(.)(.*)$/,  '$1/$2/$3 $4 GMT'))
           - Date.parse(b.published.$t.replace(/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-
(\d{2})T([0-9:]*)([.0-9]*)(.)(.*)$/,  '$1/$2/$3 $4 GMT'));
  return 0-order;

function a_rc(json)
  g_szComments = json.feed.entry.sort(a_comprc);
document.write('&lt;script src=&quot;http://' + g_szBlogDomain + '/
If I use $.getJSON, will I get the same result? What is the difference
between these two method?

  function a_comprc(a,b)
  order= Date.parse(a.published.$t.replace(/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-
(\d{2})T([0-9:]*)([.0-9]*)(.)(.*)$/,  '$1/$2/$3 $4 GMT'))
           - Date.parse(b.published.$t.replace(/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-
(\d{2})T([0-9:]*)([.0-9]*)(.)(.*)$/,  '$1/$2/$3 $4 GMT'));
  return 0-order;

jQuery.getJSON( 'http://' + g_szBlogDomain + '/feeds/comments/default?
alt=json', function(json)
g_szComments = json.feed.entry.sort(a_comprc);

I hope I am not asking a too stupid question...

Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ

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