Here's an even better way :)

str+="border-top-style: " + $(this).css("borderTopStyle") + "<br/>";

On Jun 23, 2:33 pm, "Sean Catchpole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Another weekend, another plugin =P
> zoomi:
> So here's the scoop. It's almost ready, beta as some people call it.
> I'm releasing as beta because I want your input on a feature... and
> there is still one more bug.
> The feature I'm wondering about, is if the zoom2 image should inherit
> the classes of the original image. (If what I'm saying makes no sense,
> go view the source code of the zoomi page above)
> The only bug is that if there is a border around the zoom2 image using
> css, then it won't be in the right spot. I've run into a interesting
> problem, I can't get the styles from the css file. Check out the
> example of this problem here:
> anyone knows the answer please let me know.
> Enjoy ^_^
> ~Sean

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