stef wrote:
Im using the code below to display / hide form fields depending on
what value is selected from a drop down list (id='category'). the
optional form fields are all hidden by default when DOM is ready,

$(document).ready(function() {


when i select "games", the p's with id 'dimensions' and 'inthebox'
appear - so far so good. when i then select "accessoires",
'dimensions' and 'inthebox' should get hidden by adding the class
'hidden' (.hidden{display:none;}) - but this never works! any ideas
why? firebug shows no errors ...

        $("#category").change( function()
                        if ($("#category").val() == "games")


                        else if ($("#category").val() == "accessoires")


Stef, maybe that is because the class "show" overrules "hidden". You need to remove "show" before adding "hidden".



A few more things to improve performance and code size: You should also group your selectors, like:

$("#dimensions, #size, #language, #inthebox, #color").addClass("hidden");

$("#dimensions, #inthebox").addClass("show");

Inside the change handler you don't need to query $("#category") again, you can access it via "this":

$("#category").change(function() {
    var value = this.value;
    if (value == "games") {
    } else if (value == "accessoires") {


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