I am using Jörn's Autocomplete alpha plugin (not from the svn
repository) along with  jquery and am having some problems in
IE6 related to selected options from the drop downs.  The autocomplete
control works fine if I use the down arrow to navigate to a choice.
However, if I use the mouse, I am seeing erratic behavior, where IE6
triggers and the error "Object Required" with the line number.
Sometimes this happens just mousing over the selection and sometimes
it happens when selecting (double-clicking) an option.  This behavior
does not show up in Firefox or IE7.  Unfortunately 98% of the users of
this app will be IE6.

I also see this behavior (albeit less frequently) on the plugin sample
page on Jörn's site.

So, for all you gurus out there, how do you track down this type of
issue in IE6?  Since Firebug doesn't report an error, that doesn't
help.  Do you use other http proxies like Fiddler?

Any help appreciated.



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