Hi Arjan,

You probably need to add the new level to the hover override declaration. So change this CSS:

/*following rule negates pure CSS hovers
so submenu remains hidden and JS controls
when and how it appears*/
.superfish li:hover ul,
.superfish li li:hover ul {

... to this:

/*following rule negates pure CSS hovers
so submenu remains hidden and JS controls
when and how it appears*/
.superfish li:hover ul,
.superfish li li:hover ul,
.superfish li li li:hover ul {   /* <-- added new level of menu here */

Let me know if it doesn't work.

Joel Birch.

On 13/07/2007, at 12:02 AM, fr0sty wrote:


Im trying to add an extra (third) level to the example that's posted
I have my own edited example on http://www.onbereikbaar.nl/menu i've
added an extra level to the menu, but it shows rightaway, can anyone
tell me what i need to change in the css file so this will work?

Tnx Arjan

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