Stephan Beal wrote:
Hi, all!

i wanted to pass along a trivial utility which i find indispensable in
my day-to-day web work. It's 100% cross-platform and doesn't require
any special know-how to use. i call it a "PNG Image".

Here's how it works...

Grab this image:

Note that it is 1600x1200 pixels (the size of my screen resolution)
and within it are several boxes, each one the exact size of a common
screen resolution (e.g. 1024x768, 800x600, and 1440x960).

That image is actually my desktop wallpaper. When i wonder "will this
web page look okay at 1024x768?" i don't change screen resolutions, i
simply resize my browser window to match the appropriate box drawn on
the wallpaper. Viola! Instant screen resolution simulation! (Except
that it doesn't account for the taskbar which appears in most
desktops, and doesn't accommodate the potentially different font sizes
you might get when switching resolutions. The former problem can be
solved by drawing the bounding boxes a bit smaller.)

If you are running a Unix-like environment and use either KDE or
GNOME, you can set up different wallpaper images for each of your
desktops, which means you can set this one up on an unused desktop and
keep your normal wallpaper(s) on your other desktop(s).

Of course, if you're not using 1600x1200 resolution, you can use this
same idea to create a wallpaper suitable to your desktop.

Have fun!

I used to use something similiar, but nowadays I'm using the web developer toolbars for resizing my windows...:

Thanks nonetheless!


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