>                $("#calendar .arc").toggle();
>       $("#calendar .arc").Highlight(1000, '#ff9');
>       var $this = $(this);
>       if($this.is ('.show'))
>       {
>               $this.removeClass('show');
>               $this.addClass('hide').empty().append('Show archived
>               var $ref = $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href");
>               $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'0');
>               var $ref = $("#calendar #navright").attr("href");
>               $("#calendar #navright").attr("href", $ref.slice(0,

Remember to cache your selectors. There's definite overhead in creating
instances of a jQuery object--so whenever possible you want to chain or
cache your jQuery objects.

For example:

        $("#calendar .arc").toggle();
        $("#calendar .arc").Highlight(1000, '#ff9');

Could be re-written:

        $("#calendar .arc").toggle().Highlight(1000, '#ff9');

You can re-write:
        var $ref = $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href");
        $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'0');


        var jCalNavLeft = $("#calendar #navleft");
        var $ref = jCalNavLeft.attr("href");
        jCalNavLeft.attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'0');

Also, since a document should contain only unique IDs for elements, there's
no reason to use the selector:

        var jCalNavLeft = $("#calendar #navleft");

You can use:

        var jCalNavLeft = $("#navleft");

As there should be only one object with the unique ID of "navLeft" in your


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