Hi All-

This is a newbie designer question.  I think jquery's great and I'm trying to 
find more uses for it.

I've got this-

$("#content a").not("[EMAIL 

I was trying to get a line break in between each link but couldn't and I was 
hoping somebody here could give me a hand.

I'm trying to learn so I'm trying to do this step-by-step.  I've been reading 
the doc's and see that $("a") going to pick up the anchors.  I saw .getUrlParam 
and tried .getUrlParam("href") but was only able to get "strHref has no 

It's probably obvious but what I'm trying to do is go through the content div, 
collect all the external "http:..." addresses and put them into a <ul> or <ol> 
at the bottom of the page.  I just want to make it easy for people to copy them.

Thanks and thanks for jquery.  When you're doing sites by yourself it's hard to 
add the kind of enhancements that jquery offers.

Thanks again,


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