That's a good thought, but the customers are using an external, third party
app to do the email sending. Plus, we don't want our mail servers to
potentially blacklisted.

Okay...I've got this working now. Turns out that the code for auto-selecting
needs to be on the calling page.


-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of skyeflye
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 1:22 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Thickbox popup, containing an autoselected textarea?

Hi Andy,

Thinking "around" the problem rather than "about" the problem...

Have you instead considered the possibility of allowing your customers to
send the email message with the source code (as an attachment, or in the
message body) directly from the Thickbox?

So instead of the Thickbox containing only a <textarea> with the page's
source code in it, it could contain a simple form allowing your customers to
send the email message to whoever they chose directly from the website - no
email client needed.

You could even "hard code" the "TO" email addresses to be in a select menu
(if there aren't too many potential recipients).


On Aug 6, 1:41 pm, "Andy Matthews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I working on an improvement to our CMS and had an idea. Our clients 
> view source on one of our outputted pages and use that HTML to send to 
> THEIR clients via email. Right now this is a 5 or 6 click process and 
> I'd like to streamline it on our end.
> I''d like to have a link which opens a thickbox window containing a 
> textarea (this part is done and working) containing the source they wish
to copy.
> While I could stop here and still be a hero, I'd like to offer a 
> button (inside the modal window) which let's the user click to select 
> all of the content of the textarea and possibly even copy it to their 
> clipboard automatically.
> That last bit doesn't sound all that difficult either, but I'm not 
> sure if I put the auto-select code in the calling page, or the called 
> page. I'm calling test.cfm FROM test.html, Please note that all of the 
> other stuff is working correctly, I'm just not sure where I'd put the
"select" code.
> Does thickbox offer a callback function when the modal window actually 
> loads? Because that might be the best place for this code.
> ____________________________________
> Andy Matthews
> Senior ColdFusion Developer
> Office:  877.707.5467 x747
> Direct:  615.627.9747
> Fax:  615.467.6249
> m/>
>  dealerskinslogo.bmp
> 6KDownload

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