Does anyone know if there is a list of known JavaScript bugs for Opera
8?  I did a significant rewrite of a section of code recently for a
speedup.  The speedup I got was pretty massive, especially so in IE,
and it works in all my test browsers (IE6 and 7, Firefox 1.5, Safari 3
beta and Opera 9), but it causes a massive crash in Opera 8.

I was originally doing a $.each on an object but when I discovered
that doing return (false) doesn't seem to break you out of a loop like
the documentation claims it will I changed to using for (bar in foo)
iterators instead and breaking to a label outside the loop to
terminate the loop early.  I suspect this might be what's causing he
opera 8 crash but I have no way to be sure, or how to work around it
if it is the case, or how to determine what the real issue is and what
do do about it if it is not the case.

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