m3avrck wrote:
Thanks Rob!

No prob.

I reread the docs and got it work using the following:

        // initialize CSSmizer
        // setup modal
          trigger: "#cssmizer-launch",
          // because tabs are being shown in a jqModal window which is
hidden by default
          // we can only show the tabs *after* the window is shown
          // otherwise we get oddities across browsers
          onShow: function(hash) {
            // we show the window using a speed of 1 to be as
instaneous as possible
            // and for the tabs to render as fast as possible to avoid
            hash.w.show(1, function() { $
("#container").tabs(); });

Now if I could just figure out why the body of the window disappears
if you drag it around in IE... gotta be a CSS issue, hmm....

Sounds interesting, do you have a test url? I was gonna use this same plugin combo in an ongoing project. Would be useful to me to figure this out aswell =]

It would be easier to debug if the jqModal DnR had some callbacks for start, drag and end. I wonder if UI draggables could be used with it instead... My thinking is to check the applied css styles for unwanted/buggy changes during the dragging. Could be the jQuery library version aswell though I think the transparency issues were sorted in, still there's a transparency effect during the dragging that could be the culprit. I'll have a go at it tomorrow.

Take it easy

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