wish i could do this with background images...

is it even possible to animate a background image?


btw: the example doesn't work in Safari 2.0.3

On 11 Aug 2007, at 06:21, Blair Mitchelmore wrote:

(I'm not sure if this is a double post, I tried to post earlier...)

Here's my (40 line) proof of concept. It's not as foolproof as the
original especially regarding the positioning of the resultant element
(the original took a link and changed it to an em in a span in a span
in a span in a fieldset in a link with each nested level having
certain margins and styles to make it all come out rosy, whereas mine
uses the bare minimum of nesting and a bizarre height nudging
algorithm so its glitchy when the font gets really big or really

Source code:

Simple (even for my standards) demo:


On Aug 9, 11:59 am, Stephan Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i just found this via digg:


and i thought that might be a tempting animation effect for one of the
more talented plugin authors out there.

The implementation code is 175 lines long, but i'd bet that one of you
jQuery gurus can get it down to 20 or less.


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