But Michael, please excuse my ignorance. I'm curious. I have to ask
because I still do not see this "JSONP XSS loophole."

Isn't this flickr example you showed below is selft containing with
the same site I/O? Where is the cross-site logic?

Do you have a link to some official or 'proposal' or draft
specification on JSONP?


On Aug 13, 7:35 pm, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, you can load *scripts* cross-site with no problem.
> It's true, a server-side proxy is the only way to do a cross-site Ajax
> download. But if the information is available in any kind of executable
> JavaScript format, you can use a script tag or a dynamic script element to
> download it.
> That's what the JSONP (JSON with callback) format is all about - wrap a JSON
> object inside a callback function whose name is given in the request URL.
> Here's an example:
> http://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?format=json
> <http://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?format=json&js...
> back=fotofeed> &jsoncallback=fotofeed
> That URL returns:
> fotofeed({
>   "title": "Everyone's photos",
>   "link": "http://www.flickr.com/photos/";,
>   // more stuff here, including an array of photo links and info
> })
> If you create either a script tag or a dynamic script element with that URL
> in the src, it will call your "fotofeed" function (or any function you name
> in the jsoncallback= URL parameter) and pass it the JSON data.
> It doesn't have to be JSON data, of course - the script tag can execute any
> JavaScript code (which can be good or bad - obviously you need to trust the
> data provider). JSONP is just a common convention for downloading JSON data
> cross-domain.
> If you want to make sure that no rogue JavaScript code is executed, or if
> the data isn't available in JSONP or a similar executable script format,
> then you do need to Ajax and a server-side proxy.
> -Mike
>   _____
> From: Matt Stith
> The only way around is to use a server-side script as a proxy, as loading
> scripts cross-site is a security risk, which is why browsers block that out.
> From: Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)
> I am working on a website for the BBB and need to load a document cross
> site, I am getting a permission denied message when doing so. Is there a
> way around that?

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