I went to a short talk by Steve Souders, the Chief Performance Yahoo. 

He has done a bunch of investigation on performance at Yahoo and has come up
with his "13 rules" for better performance. And has written a book about it.


His research showed that $40 - %60 clean cache number. Really puts a
different light on relying on cache to shorten page load. 

Makes me happy for 20k limits on things


Note: Even he admits that the rules are more of a guideline and that they
need to be implemented when it makes sense, not all the time, every time.



From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brandon Aaron
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 7:18 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: New Yahoo Minifier - YUI Compressor


Cool. Thanks for sharing with the list. Minifying and gzip compression is my
preferred solution. Using JSMin it gets down to about 36k and using
mod_deflate it goes down to about 11k. 

However, the most interesting thing I read out of that article was that that
claim, "40% to 60% of Yahoo!'s users have an empty cache experience and
about 20% of all page views are done with an empty cache". 

If that is true ... so much for that age old but it gets cached argument.

Brandon Aaron

On 8/14/07, Tane Piper < <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey folks,

Today I came across this article via DZone: 


"The YUI Compressor is a new JavaScript minifier. Its level of 
compaction is higher than the Dojo compressor, and it is as safe as
JSMin. Tests on the YUI library have shown savings of about 18%
compared to JSMin and 10% compared to the Dojo compressor (these
respectively become 10% and 5% after HTTP compression)" 

I've given it a test run on my own code, and it really seems to work,
version 1.4 of jMaps was 12.6k, and this compressor took it down to
4.6k minified, that's a 58% reduction in code, while producing no 
errors, something I have never truly been able to get with packer.

jQuery minified with this (1.1.3) goes down to 31.5kb - not as small
as the packed version, but still an impressive reduction in size.

Tane Piper

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