On Aug 21, 2:15 pm, Christopher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What I have ended up doing (and haven't tested beyond firefox2) is
> using a regular $.get and doing an eval() in the callback.  This seems
> to allow me to use the variable I need within test.js, but it really
> seems that there should be a better way of doing this.  Maybe it is
> just my dislike for eval() that makes me not like what I am using
> now.  Any suggestions?

i just wrote a long write-up for you on how to do this but Firefox
crashed and i lost it... so here's a summary.

You can't send vars directly to JS, unfortunately, but one way to
simulate this is to use a PHP (or other server-side) filter:

$.get('myScript.php', {foo:'bar'}); // this will return JS code, not
PHP code



$txt = file_get_contents('myScript.js');
$txt = preg_replace( '/\bREPLACEMENT_FOO\b/', $_GET['foo'], $txt );
echo $txt;

Obviously, you need to do error handling and checking $_GET['foo'] and
such, but you get the general idea. If you need help understanding
preg_replace(), i recommend googling for "perl compatible regular
expressions", as there is TONS of information available on them out


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