Nope. This is part of the upcoming jQuery UI effort. :)


Benjamin Sterling wrote:
Rey, that is sweet. I did not see that on the plug in page, nor in a google search, is that yours?

On 8/22/07, *Rey Bango* < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Does this jQuery plugin not work?


    Josh Nathanson wrote:
     > It is not that shocking to me -- these are some difficult
     > that developers have always struggled with, as far as Javascript
     > solutions -- especially numbers 4 and 7.  Flash seems to handle
     > multi-file uploads a little more easily.
     > If mootools has been able to overcome these obstacles in pure JS
    that is
     > very impressive.
     > Have at it Benjamin!
     > -- Josh
     >     Wow, it is shocking the none of jQuery file uploaders have those
     >     ability.  That may be something I need to work on.  Very
     >     I wish I knew how to get around the mootools issue, just never
     >     worked with it before.
     >     On 8/22/07, *Jack Killpatrick* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
     >         I want to do this and have evaluated and tried a few plain-js
     >         and jquery based solutions:
     >         required abilities:
     >         1. select multiple files at once via browse dialog
     >         2. list all selected files separately
     >         3. remove any selected file before uploading and during
     >         (if not started)
     >         4. per-item progress bars (and ability for individual
    uploads to
     >         complete before whole batch does)
     >         5. clear completed list easily
     >         Nice to haves:
     >         6. restrict selections by file extension
     >         7. file-size limit enforced on client side
     >         Additionally: I'm looking for a solution that has most/all of
     >         this already packaged (since this mootools uploader does
    and has
     >         therefore set the bar) so that implementation time will
    be minimal.
     >         FWIW, all of the jq-based plugins I've looked at so far
    did not
     >         meet *all* requirements or came close, but had various
     >         browser-specific issues (crashing browsers, not loading from
     >         local cache) that made us give up on them.
     >         - Jack
     >         Benjamin Sterling wrote:
     >>         @GTG, great question, I second that.
     >>         @Jack, if you can explain what you are trying to do with
     >>         mootools, maybe we can come up with an alternative.
     >>         On 8/22/07, *Ganeshji Marwaha* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     >>         <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
     >>             I don't think there is a way to make mootools play well
     >>             with other libraries when using the infamous "$".
     >>             is probably the only library that understands this
     >>             and has implemented appropriate precautions in its
    code base.
     >>             That said, to look at ur needs from a higher level, i
     >>             think i will first need to understand what is that u r
     >>             doing with mootools that can't be done in jquery. If we
     >>             are able to easily achieve the same using jQuery,
    then you
     >>             wont have to use mootools at all in the first place...
     >     --
     >     Benjamin Sterling
     > <>

Benjamin Sterling <>

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