Great job John!

I think you hit it on the nose on what was the primary focus -


Is this consided a beta, gamma or production release?  I ask because I
don't see it announce at at the moment of this posting.

If there is still an window for improvements,  I have a number of
suggestions for the ajax system.  Best on my current knowledge of
jQuery,  one suggestion ideally calls for a small unobstrusive change
to the extensive $.ajax function itself.  I was currently working on
this when I was going to post a message about it, and I saw your
announcement.  While an override plugin would do, the .ajax() method
is the bulk of that logic and it doesn't seem feasible to replace that
function for one small 1-2 line change. The other suggestions are
small enough to be plugins but it requires the change to the .ajax()



On Aug 24, 4:46 am, "John Resig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Everyone -
> jQuery 1.1.4 has just been released! The full details of this release
> can be found on the jQuery 
> blog:
> Suffice it to say that some significant speed increases, test coverage
> increases, and API reductions have been made. Please let us know if
> you encounter any new problems from jQuery
> --John

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