> Ok, so in order to get around cross-domain issues, you need 
> to dynamically load a javascript file which contains JSON 
> formatted in the JSONP standard and basically "out smart"
> the browser.

Yeah. You can load a script tag from any domain, and that script tag will be
executed when it's loaded, so if that script tag happens to contain
myFunction({"my:"test","data":true}) and you've defined:

   function myFunction( json ) {
      alert( json.my + ' ' + json.data );

then you're in business.

> Do you know if there is a plug-in that works like the
> $.ajax(properties) function but for cross-domains?

Um, my JSON plugin that you were looking at? :-)

It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of $.ajax, but most of those
don't apply anyway. Why don't you try it out and let me know if it does the
job or what's missing.



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