Hi, I like the 'pan view' idea.

Just found a 'bug', when you are seeing an image it should cover the whole
gallery (aka. thumbs and gallery tabs), you can click another tab while you
are browsing a pic, this is confusing because when you close it you are in
new gallery section.

Keep working on it, looks nice.

On 8/24/07, Benjamin Sterling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All,
> Wanted to announce yet another image gallery!  What is different between
> this one and other million out there, well, I made it :).
> The url:
> http://benjaminsterling.com/2007/08/24/jquery-jqgalview-photo-gallery/
> I am still working on the documentation, I am not very good at it so if
> there are any questions, please ask.  I will post all questions asked and
> fixes posted here in the comments on the site for easy reading.
> I am still working on developing a clean coding style that would be easy
> for all to read, so if you have suggestions on what I can combine/change/do
> better in general, I would most appreciate it.  I have a few other plugins
> that are in development and it will help me to clean them up also.
> Thanks.
> --
> Benjamin Sterling
> http://www.KenzoMedia.com
> http://www.KenzoHosting.com

Joan Piedra || Frontend webdeveloper

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