>> You don't need it - anyone can submit a plugin to the plugin web site,
>> which is independent of the svn tree. You just need to create an
>> account on the plugins site, then you're all set to go.

I am aware of that... coz, i have my plugins already listed there.
What, i was trying to convey was, although my plugins are listed there, i am
not motivated to effectively use the plugin web site for issue tracking and
feature requests because, i don't have the actual code in the repo.


On 8/26/07, Stephan Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 26, 9:03 am, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > For starters, i don't know if i have write access to the jquery svn
> > repository to checkin my plugin.
> You don't need it - anyone can submit a plugin to the plugin web site,
> which is independent of the svn tree. You just need to create an
> account on the plugins site, then you're all set to go.
> > Third, the main jquery page still points to the docs.jquery.com/pluginswiki
> > instead of the plugin page. Many people are still using that.
> Someone posted a few weeks ago saying that they would install a
> redirect on the plugins page "soon". When... i don't remember.
> > And, as Stephan says it is both a problem of education and the barrier
> to
> > entry.
> Perhaps we can get the webmasters to allow anonymous posts to the bug
> db (assuming that the underlying framework allows it, which i'm not
> sure about at all).
> :)

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