

What a dummy.  (I should have emailed you off-list! :o) thanks, Karl.


The plug-in seems to be *much* quicker, too!




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Karl Swedberg
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 5:46 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: cluetip issue(another issue)


Hey Rick,


Your code isn't inside the $(document).ready() 






Karl Swedberg



On Aug 26, 2007, at 5:03 PM, Rick Faircloth wrote:

Well. can't get the new stuff to work.


I believe I've replaced all the previous downloads with the

downloads from the plug-in download page.  Everything updated.


Using the "load-local" technique, as before.


All the various files seem to be in place. I can download all of them

from the browser.


All my images that should be hidden, are just sitting on the page.

if you get a second, could you see if there's something obvious amiss?




The insect images are what are of concern.  The larger versions

are just sitting below them.


See anything?







From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Karl Swedberg
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 2:16 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: cluetip issue(another issue)


Hi Rick,


yes, that's in there. and yes, it's automatic.


check out the demo



and try example #7. it's the click to activate one, so you'll have to, um,
click to activate it. :)  You should see the top/bottom positioning.




Karl Swedberg



On Aug 26, 2007, at 1:37 PM, Rick Faircloth wrote:

Hey, Karl. so you did get the positioning setup where the clueTip will

to the top or bottom of the mouse-over element if the clueTip is too wide

to fully display on the right or left of the element?


As far as positioning to the top, right, bottom, or left goes, I hope that's

depending on screen space available based on the position of the element.





From: [ <>
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Karl Swedberg
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 1:22 PM
To:  <>
Subject: [jQuery] Re: cluetip issue(another issue)


Hi eridius,



Eridius wrote:


this is my cluetip code:


$('#trip_builder_popup').cluetip({local: true,

mouseOutClose: true,

sticky: true,

positionBy: 'auto'});


I want the box to appear in the same place every time but it is placed

based on my mouse, how can i stop this as the demo page works like i want

it to?




I may have to refactor the code a bit now that I have the positionBy option
in there. Early revisions of the plugin tried to decide for you when to
position the tool tip by the element and when to position it by the mouse,
and I kind of took a sledgehammer approach. Currently, the following
conditions will position it by mouse, no matter what you do:

- the hovered element has display: block

- the hovered element is a map "area"

- there isn't enough room to the right of the left of the hovered element to
fit the tool tip completely within the viewable area.


I can probably remove the first condition, at least for the horizontal
positioning. Vertical positioning is a little different, though. If the
hovered element has display:block and its height is fairly large, the
tooltip might get positioned in an unexpected place (because if it's not
done by mouse position, it lines the tooltip up with the top of the hovered


Any suggestions are most welcome.

Another thing i am looking for is to be able to change the content in the

tooltip with ajax while it is displaying.  I tried to change the content and

the content does change in the div i have added to but the tooltip does

not(i guess it pulls the content from the div a displays it instead of

displaying the actucally div).  is there a way to refrest the tooltip while

it is displaying?


Here is the relevant code for populating the clueTip with local content:

        var localContent = $(tipAttribute).html();



So, yes, it grabs the innerHTML of the div and displays it. If there is a
more reasonable or beneficial way of doing this, let me know. Since I'm
already emptying $cluetipInner before I populate it with the new contents, I
suppose I could do it this way:




But I don't think that will solve your problem. If you want to refresh the
tooltip while it is displaying, couldn't you just do so by using the
$('#cluetip-inner') selector and one of jQuery's DOM insertion methods?
Also, if you could show me an example of what you're trying to do, that
would be helpful, since I'm not sure I'm quite understanding you properly.




Karl Swedberg






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