On Aug 28, 12:51 am, MrNase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What I was trying to do here was to make a mootools example in jQuery.
> In mootools, all you need is:
> if(txt.val().contains('hello')) txt.trigger('burn', 'hello world!');

It would seem that val() returns a String object and that mootools
adds the contains() method to String.prototype. Extending built-in
types in this way is considered poor practice, partly because it makes
code which uses those built-in types incompatible across toolkits. It
can confuse people into thinking that those features are built in to
the language, when they're really not. There are other down-sides to
this type of extension, as well.

> Therefore I was looking for a jQuery way to do it but contains()
> doesn't work as expected. :(

contains() is not a String method in jQuery, but is a member of the
jQuery class and looks for an Element (or Elements) contained within
another element.

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