I agree that people like the animation effects. I'm all for them. The problem is that if a menu/header is still in the opening animation process and the mouse is moved to a new menu/header item the new menu doesn't open at all - no matter how long one waits. That to me is a bug.


In the real world, things dont always happen instantly.

A sliding door (like on Star Trek) opens with a whoosh. I am sure they "could" have built a door "shield" that was opened instantly rather than a whooshing door. Especially with their futuristic technology. However, people like the whoosh. It's possible to have it too long, like whooooooooooooooooooooooooosh. In which case you bump into the door with your nose ( i.e. Supermarket Doors) or "whsh" in which case it feels like the "power" it turned up too high, which is jarring.

The perfect effect is timed to the Goldilocks principle. Not too quick, not too slow, not the instant the user puts their mouseover, not waiting too long to fire, not too much bounce, not too robot-like. It should be "just-right".


On 8/30/07, Erin Doak <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In my opinion (and only my opinion) i think that it is kinda disturbing if we hover on one item and immediately if we hover on another item, the accordian doesn't open for the second item.

I think that the interface should always be responsive to the user. If the mouse is over a menu it should activate. The animation is really just an 'extra'. The ability to navigate a web site by accessing the menu items is of paramount importance.

One possible solution might be to offer either behavior as an option.


On 8/26/07, Jörn Zaefferer <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ganeshji Marwaha schrieb:
 Jörn, this is fantastic... very re-usable as well..

 I have a question/suggestion though... When i hover over one of the
 items, and before the animation completes if i hover over another
 item, the animation for the second item doesn't occur. Now, i will
 have to move my mouse out of that item and hover over it again to get
 the other item to expand. Is it something that can be fixed, or is it
 a known limitation that we will have to live by...

Well, so far that was intended to be a feature, not a bug. The
combination of long-running animations with hover is annoying, right.
But it is also annoying when the accordion keeps changing on each mouse
move, even when you didn't intend to get a different chunk. "Fixing" it
isn't difficult, but it is difficult to decide what the right fix
actually is. Your help is appreciated.

-- Jörn

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