Looks like a great plugin but there is something wrong with the demo page in FF. on IE6 i had no problem.

If i want to switch from disabled to enabled the page keeps on loading and crashed my browser the first time around. Looking at the page load in firebug i noticed http://www.appelsiini.net/mint/?js kept on loading.

-- David

Mika Tuupola schreef:

Little something I worked on sunday.


Plugin which enables deferred loading (lazy loading) of images. In other words, images which are below the fold (far down the page not visible in browser) are not loaded before user scrolls down. This plugin should be useful with long pages which have lot of photo content. For example photoblogs.

Demo pages is available. You might want to use Firebug or liveHTTP headers to better see what is happening.


David Duymelinck

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