What I got from reading his post is that he's concerned about projects that start off using jQuery and then need to incorporate another library.


Tane Piper wrote:
And I already left a comment there already today explaining this.  I
think what he may be worried about is plugins that break jQuery
noConflict, which is a plugin is developed correctly using closures,
should not be a problem

On 9/3/07, John Resig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
jQuery already has a .noConflict() method that completely removes any
conflict with $.

You can find out more information here:

and here:


On 9/3/07, jack.tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, all

I blogged one case in my blog (http://jack.lifegoo.com/?p=163) which
described the "complaint" of $ in jQuery, Prototype and Mochikit,
could you please take it consider and reduce the conflicts?



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