On Sep 14, 4:30 pm, seedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I also had the same thing happen.
> 14kb is only after it has been gzipped by your server.
> The version you are downloading has been minified, Its up to you to do the
> gzipping.

This is correct. The webmaster/developers/whoever chose to be a bit
underhanded there and say it's 14k "with gzip", but fail to mention
that the user must arrange for the code to get gzipped. Shame on them.
They've metamorphed from programmers to marketing people.

You cannot simply gzip the file and serve it as-is - that won't work
(at least, not on most browsers). You need to arrange for your web
server to feed the data compressed. There are a number of ways to do
this, but (IMO) none of them are suitable for beginners (and all of
them require either configuration changes on your web server or coding
in a second language, like PHP).

Follow the "gzipped" link from jquery.com and you'll find an article
which covers one way to accomplish this with PHP. Alternately, search
this forum, going back about 1 month, to find some discussions on it.
The approach proposed at the link mentioned above is sub-optimal
because it requires writing a file to your web server, which won't
work under all hosted accounts (for reasons described in my comments
posted at that site).

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