Often padding, borders and margins get in the way of smooth animation.  The
same goes for UL structures as Tables.  This is part of Box Model Hell (my
own nightmare).  Although I REALLY like clean code with virtually nothing in
it, I often have to add divs and layer them so that I don't put padding and
width/height on the same element.

When slidingDown, you are changing the height and then at the very end,
changing the display to none.  This will result in the sliding only reaching
the point of zero, but leaving the padding intact.  Then the display:none
kicks in and the padding "jumps" and disappears.

Again, keep this padding issue in mind and rethink the problem.  I usually
use DIV with no padding to solve it for me.  Hmm, I wonder if you could
animate the padding down to zero after the table cell animates height to
zero, but before the display none kicks in?


On 9/17/07, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I've been in this situation before and gone a different route, but this
> time I'd really like to use a table for my data, but have the ability
> to show/hide certain rows using slideUp/slideDown.
> I originally tried sliding the actual TR up/down but it wasn't working
> correct. I ahve a table with 6 columns, with the hidden TR having a single
> column with colspan='6' on it. Sliding that down screwed up the table in
> both IE and FF. So I seemed to recall hearing that some people used colspan
> on the TD, but put a DIV inside that. That "works" but the animation is a
> little choppy AND the table has a miniscule shift left to right when I click
> the toggle switch. It goes away as soon as the animation is done, but I'd
> rather not have that chop.
> So my question is, what is the best, preferred way to show/hide additional
> information in this sort of situation?
> * ____________________________________
> Andy Matthews
> *Senior ColdFusion Developer
> Office:  877.707.5467 x747
> Direct:  615.627.9747
> Fax:  615.467.6249
> www.dealerskins.com

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