I also have thisproblem. I am using the Drupal CMS, and the SimpleMenu
module uses jquery, as does a slideshow I've implemented. Each of
these independently will cause text on the page to flicker or blink
during the fadein/out. With the slideshow, if I reduce the fade period
to zero, the problem goes away.

I have the problem with Mac Firefox and Camino, but not Safari.


On Sep 13, 9:22 am, bissonchristian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a web developper and use Jquery very often (it's so cool!), and I
> have come upon a weird bug and wanted to know if  there been any
> previous alert about this and if there is a solution:
> When I use fadeIn and fadeOut on a <div> which contains texts, and
> that div is OVER a flash object, either the <div> itself or the flash
> object flickers while the fading occurs.
> It only happens on Firefox Mac and no other that I have tested
> (ie6,ie7,firefox pc,safari pc,safari mac,opera)
> Thank you,
> Christian

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