On Sep 19, 8:52 pm, "Glen Lipka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What I have so far 
> is:http://www.commadot.com/jquery/experiments/api/xmlReader.txt(code)
> http://www.commadot.com/jquery/experiments/api/xmlReader.php(results)
> I will have to make more nested foreach loops to get grandchildren and
> great-grandchildren.
> This seems like a horrible pattern.

If the rendering code is in its own function, it can recursively call
itself to handle the great[great[great]]grandchildren.

> Is there a better way on the server-side to do this?  Any code samples or
> demos would be awesome. :)

My first thought is simply to move the main loop into a function, so
it can be called recursively. You seem to be on the right track

> jQuery is so easy.  PHP is not. (for me)

Perhaps i can help out - feel free to get in touch with my off-list.
i'm pretty good with PHP, if i may say so myself.

Where did you get the XML data from, by the way?

Another minor tip for you: some web servers are configured to
server .phps files as context-highlighted PHP source code. So, instead
of xmlReader.txt, try copying (or symlinking) xmlReader.php to
xmlReader.phps and see if you server can do that. It makes reading the
code much simpler. :)

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