On Sep 20, 5:52 am, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, it can't be set to display:none, but blockUI does not destroy the
> message element - it simply removes it from the DOM.

I've faced the same frustration. Why not just hide the displayed div
rather than removing it from the DOM? This would be my preference as
well. Perhaps as an option.

In my case, I have a number of complex pre-populated div "popups" on
the page, and I want to show them at different times. I'll need to
keep a global reference to each popup to avoid the div being destroyed
when unblocked.

> If you cache it before
> calling blockUI you can use the same element over and over as shown in the
> last example on this page:

Does the example create a memory leak pattern via the circular
reference? I haven't checked it with drip, but it looks to me like a
leak scenario.

Matt Kruse

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