On Sep 25, 5:43 am, Fabrizio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I try to use this google group and it's the first time I use a google
> group. I wrote 3 differents message. I have a reply on only one of
> this but I never seen my new message on the list of the discussion.
> If some body could help to teacth me how the group and the discussion
> works ?
> I m French so if a frenchy could reply just one time in french i'll be
> very glad !!!

Sorry, no sprecken ze French, but:

Google Groups take some time--somewhere between a few minutes to a few
hours to never--to post your message.  It's slow, but it's free.

One of the jQuery users has started a forum at http://jqueryhelp.com/
- it doesn't have a whole lot of activity, yet, but it only started.
However, I have yet to see an unanswered post on there.



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