Apologies for replying to my own thread, but I'm getting closer on the "bug",

The callback function here is where the issue occurs:

                        function mycarousel_itemLoadCallback(carousel, state)
                            for (var i = carousel.first; i <= carousel.last; 
i++) {
                                if (carousel.has(i)) {
                                if (i > mycarousel_itemList.length) {
                                // Create an object from HTML
                                var item =
                                // Apply thickbox
                                carousel.add(i, item);

Just from debugging that, on initial page load, only the first three
items are getting passed to tb_init();  I have to flicker through the
rest of the carousel for more images to get appended to tb_init. I
should probably remove tb_init from this callback construct and
execute it in an anonymous function which populates all of the images
in tb_init() unless someone has a more appropriate suggestion?

- sf

On 9/27/07, Steve Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
> Thank you for peeking inside of my post. Anyhow, so I got a
> semi-functional carousel up at:
> http://devel.phpgeek.org/inventory/single/1
> My only issue here is, if you click on an image within the scroll
> wheel (but do not yet scroll through past the first three images...),
> you'll notice that within the inline popup div, you may only navigate
> through the first three photos.
> You can only receive links past the first three photos if you scroll
> them through the carousel first. I'm assuming something is not
> populating an array until this step is completed.
> If anyone can help me catch exactly where it is that I'm making the
> mistake, I'd really appreciate it. The source is viewable right within
> the page.
> Thank you kindly for any possible hints/clues as to how I can resolve this 
> bug.
> - sf

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