
The other valid reason is, switch of JS and view the site - the app is
100% designed to work with both js on and off, and if I used Chilli,
then that wouldn't be the case.  If I can get Chilli to support all
the languages GeSHi supports, I could write in a conditional handler
to ignore the GeSHi highlighting at render time, and render with
chilli, but I really don't see the point in that.

On 28/09/2007, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joan Piedra schrieb:
> > Oh that sounds reasonable. Thanks for answering, and good job at paste
> > monkey.
> > Btw, how is your cake_jquery_cms work going? =)
> Well, assuming the speed gains in Chili 1.9 that argument isn't that
> reasonable any more :-)
> -- Jörn

Tane Piper

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