I'm seeing some odd behavior and just wanted to know if this is normal 
for this list.

When I send a message to the list, I'm seeing a 6+ hour turn around 
before my message shows up.  When it DOES show up, it's date stamped for 
the time I actually sent it - no real indication of the long delay. 
Checking the headers shows the message going out from my network within 
seconds of me sending it, then some lengthy period of time later (6 or 
more hours), the message comes back into my network as it is 
delivered/sent to the list.  This would seem to suggest my network is 
not the problem?

Is this normal?  Do I have something setup wrong?  (can't imagine what - 
I'm on other mailing lists with no problems...)  Or perhaps the mail 
servers between me and the list have something configured wrong?

Thanks for any input.


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