I might be better to ask for support concerning a specific problem,
this is a very helpful forum. Besides I think Mikes site and  plugins
one of the best displayed and documented, I´m surprised that you have
problems with them.

On Oct 1, 6:17 am, roso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The jQuery Form Plugin hosted athttp://www.malsup.com/jquery/form/is
> impossible to understand. I wasn't able to replicate any of the
> examples listed there. The demo page which also includes the
> documentation is bloated with a zillion number of examples and a
> zillion scripts. NO, that is NOT the way to go, I would rather see
> each example on a separate page. Then I can take them one by one and
> run them under my own Web site, with my own version of JQuery and
> jQuery Form Plugin.

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